Noria POD
POD100 (1hp)
RRP $1,300
POD150 (1.5hp)
RRP $1,500
POD Series Pool & Spa Pumps
Ruggedly enduring, aesthetically pleasing and designed to survive the elements. The Noria POD pool and spa pumps provide the best performance on demand. Noria POD pumps are intelligently designed to easily meet demand and give optimum performance at greatly reduced noise levels. POD pumps use less power in less hours yet move more water reducing the pool operating costs. Quality materials and workmanship, rigid construction and a single piece of super tough and highly stable reinforced thermoplastic make the body of POD pumps outstandingly durable. The POD difference continues with the use of stainless steel shafts for strength. Larger hair and lint pots reduce the need for frequent cleaning. The research invested in POD pumps reflects in the user-friendly, easy to open inspection lids and barrel unions.
The POD pump is part of a range of intensively researched, high quality, connected products that work in harmony to ensure the pool is easy to maintain and ready for use at any time.